Lip Blushing
Lip blushing is a permanent cosmetic procedure that can enhance the color and shape of your lips. This is done by depositing pigment into your lips and along your lip line. The color is subtle to give natural-looking results.
Cold sores are herpes simplex virus. Many are not aware that they are a carrier of the virus. There may or may not be any visible signs.
To avoid an outbreak during your healing. You can get any of these antiviral medications via prescription from your family doctor: ZOVIRAX, Valtrex, Famvir, or Denavir.
Start taking the prescription medicine 3 days before procedure and 5 days after.
Avoid Exfoliators, creams containing Glycolic Acid, Retin-A, Renova, and Alpha Hydroxyls Acid (AHAs) at least 72 hours before the procedure.
Keep the area moisturized by applying the ointment provided up to 3 times daily for 10 days.
Avoid eating spicy and salty food. Use straw to drink for the first a few days. Salt can remove the pigments and cause color lost.
Keep the area CLEAN.
Avoid facial cleansers on pigmented areas (wash around them) pat dry with a clean towel.
DO NOT rub, scratch or pick any of the scabbing along the tattooed area. Early removal of the scabs may result in a loss of color.
DO NOT apply makeup on the pigmented area during the healing process.
Avoid swimming, soaking, steam bath and facials for the 1st week.
Avoid applying Exfoliates or AHA/glycolic acid products to the tattooed area for at least 2 weeks.
Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds during healing process.