Powder Brows
What are Powder Brows? Powder brows are a permanent makeup technique designed to create eyebrows with soft powder effect, very similar to powder makeup. Powder effect is done with a shading technique using a permanent makeup device, which is similar to a tattoo gun.
Powder Brow FAQ
Powder brows are suitable for all skin types.
Powder brows can be customized to your specific desired look.
they can be soft and more natural.
they can be more filled in to mimic a more makeup look.

Hair Stroke Brows
Nano Stroke eyebrows is a procedure that is most commonly performed to mimic the appearance of natural eyebrows. This procedure is safe for all skin types. Nano stroke method uses a tattoo machine to implant pigment into the skin. This method causes less trauma to the skin than traditional microblading methods.
Machine Hair Strokes FAQ
This procedure is best suited for the following skin types or conditions.
Normal skin
Dry Skin
Eyebrows that already have hair but desire a fuller appearance.
A consultation is required to book for Machine Hair stroke brows.
If you desire a more filled in look, Hair stroke brows will not be the service for you. Powder brow method will be a better option.